Donald Trump'snot so surprising triumph or „A New Irony ofAmerican History! "

The attack on the Capitol after the victory of democratic President Joe Bidens and Donald Trump's denial of the facts is an unprecedented event. The divisions in the country between urban and rural areas, Southern and Northern states, rich and poor, so called intellectuals and handiworkers is as deep as possible. A non-violent solution of these fundamental divisions becomes more and more unrealistic because the worldviews have become static and incommensurable. 

Michael Lind writes in Tablet: “The leaders of both parties have weaponized anarchic mobs against their rivals—the Democrats, by tacitly encouraging and bailing out foundation-funded NGO staffers with secret identities and superhero-style Antifa outfits during the tolerated anti-Trump riots of Summer 2020, and now the squalid, defeated demagogue Donald Trump, unleashing his own costumed followers on the U.S. Capitol itself.”

No, it is not a new 9/11. It is 11/9. It is a day that history has chosen. It was the day of Reichskristallnacht and it was the day in which the Berlin wall was teared down. What is 11/9/2016? We witness the end of an era - the era of social constructivism and postmodern populism. Concepts of social engineering, represented by global players and political elites, who tried to educate and reeducate the stupid peoples of this world. The knowledge of the ruling elites - theories of globalism, supranationalism, antinationalism and multiculturalism have been deconstructed as destabilizing ideologies. The tactical self-blaming of Western societies that were the program of „postmodern intellectuals“1 who became well-paid Robin Hoods for the poor without experiencing poverty themselves. It is no coincidence that Hillary Clinton and her „liberal“ establishment has suffered a disastrous defeat. The ruling elites have exaggerated their proclamations of „singular truths“, of liberal politics that distributes profits one-sidedly, of downgrading the „populists“ and of arrogance against people who fear the dynamic developments of globalization. It is a form of irony how self-proclaimed and selfish „moralists“ run from one defeat into another in these times. The globalist revolution suffers a major setback because it destructed nearly all pillars of a healthy bourgeois society. America experiences a new ironic chapter in its history. Reinhold Niebuhr defined the term „irony“ as follows: “A comic situation is proven to be an ironic one if a hidden relation is discovered in the incongruity. If virtue becomes vice through some hidden defect in the virtue; if strength becomes weakness because of the vanity to which strength may prompt the mighty man or nation; if security is transmuted into insecurity because too much reliance is placed upon it; if wisdom becomes folly because it does not know its own limits – in all such cases the situation is ironic“2 (IAH: xxiv). It is tragic how people are not able to recognize their own self-righteousness, especially in the liberal media. Hans J. Morgenthau once has attacked the convenient „liberals“ in his times in his polemic work Scientific Man versus Power Politics. It has been proven as folly how elites tried to manipulate people with the concepts of guilt and the appeal to „good works“ in order to enforce their own rules. Honesty in the political discourse is the first way to heal the divisions in most Western societies. The break-up of the internationalist consensus The National Interest writes: „Donald Trump’s victory, almost universally considered impossible until it happened, shattered the globalist consensus of America’s governing elite and replaced it with a nationalist sensibility exemplified in the slogan, "America First." Never in the country’s history has it seen an anti-status quo, anti-establishment politician of such force and effectiveness.“3 1 See German Salon Socialists like Jakob Augstein who as rich people preach revolution for all the others. In the year of Brexit, the election of Donald Trump and the rise of nationalist movements all over the Western world it is time for critical self-reflections. An imperialist understanding of human rights in Western societies additionally provokes resistance and terrorism.4 The theory of democratic peace is buried as operational concept because all interventionist efforts to promote democracy have failed. The concept of free trade has become fatal in times in which global players have built monopolistic and oligopolistic structures; the free market system has become a power system that produced bad dependencies for smaller players. Additionally, there is no hope to believe that large numbers of Muslims can be assimilated into Western societies; political correct public opinion has silenced people who speak out about Islamic violence in Western societies; most people witness a dramatic divide between their own perceptions and what is proclaimed in mass media. Donald Trump has used this wrong understand of „tolerance“. The internet has allowed the construction of counterpublics: “Counterpublics are, by definition, formed by their conflict with the norms and contexts of their cultural environment, and this context of domination inevitably entails distortion.“ And this counterpublics had a decisive effect on the elections in several countries. The populism of liberal mainstream has been countered by the populism of new conservative powers. A media crisis out of proportions The German discourse on the U.S. elections was catastrophically one-sided. And the same can be said of the U. S. Media who tried to demonize Donald Trump. There was no evening in the last months in which the bad character traits of the candidate was not made a topic an in which a public figure spoke out for Hillary. But what do people do who feel manipulated in such an obvious way? They oppose this kind of strategy also if they do not like the person that offers an alternative. We are in the tragic situation that the political process drives people to vote against their own interests because no one represents their genuine interests. Hillary Clinton did not represent the interests of the majority of the American people but of Wall Street, the military industrial complex and private security companies. It would have been Bernie Sanders who could have beaten Donald Trump. The oligopolist structures that Clinton's Foundation6 supported caused mistrust in wide circles of the underprivileged classes. Postmodern „elites“ have hard times The social construction of reality, institutionalized by institutes of social engineering, has recklessly tried to manipulate public opinion. The French philosophy of deconstructivism has ridiculed stable pillars of society like the family, norms like loyalty or conventional Christian morality as „spießig“. But they did not take into account the subsequent boomerang effect – the emancipation of postmodernism has been evaluated as a reactionary concept itself. In order to defend Western core values it is is time to regain a middle ground in the political discourse: „The polarization of 'liberal' fellow-travellers and 'conservative' xenophobes badly corrupted political discourse and obscured the central importance of the civilized middle ground both liberalism and conservatism have in common.“7


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